Day Three
Day Three
Focus: Downward-Facing Dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana
Reading: Chapter Three of One Simple Thing
Mouth: The Yoga Bible (pages 162 & 163)
Anatomy: The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book, Pose by Pose (pages 20 & 21)
Day Three
One of the most common poses, Downward Facing Dog, is the focus on today.
Read Chapter Three of One Simple Thing.
Then, color page 20-1 of The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book Pose by Pose. Practice the pose after coloring.
Finally, read aloud the cueing for this pose from pages 162 & 163 of The Yoga Bible. I thought differently about this pose after reading these cues and practicing. I like the idea of first focusing on the spine and then, beginning to lengthen the legs. I almost always just start "walking my dog" or extending one leg at a time.
Bonus: Consider the Wide Leg Forward Bend on pages 66-67 on The Yoga Bible as a warm-up for Downward Facing Dog.
Extra credit: Often we move into Downward Facing Dog on the exhale. Today as you practice, think about exhaling in two parts-one to extend the spine and the other to extend the hamstrings/back of the legs.
My Journal Entry from Day Three:
From One Simple Thing:
"It is the mood or emotion that we consciously bring into our mind and heart and that we link with a physical action that makes yoga a spiritual practice" (p. 53).
The discussion in Chapter Three about yoga a ritual was powerful for me. The idea that what we practice becomes a habit, if we do with without thought, but a ritual if we do it with intention really spoke to me.
From today's yoga class:
Key Words: Inclusive
Today, I took a class with Angela at Harlem Yoga Studio today. She is always so encouraging. The class focused on hips and the sequence had lots of interesting sequencing moving from warriors to half moon, to tree.